Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Guys, why do you say you like natural makeup on girls, but oogle the girls that have 10 pounds of makeup on?

Just wondering cause it doesn't make sense to me. You always drool over the girls who look like whores and have fake everything (extentions, fake eyelashes, fake boobs lol, and 20 pounds of makeup on lol) but say you like "natural" looking girls. Come on, get real.

I'm taking 9 courses in college as a freshman, too much?

Personally, for me it would be too much for me to handle, but if you feel that you can manage these classes and do well throughout the semester then I say go for it. I wish you all the best in college and good luck!! :)

I'm in a relationship with a girl, that was straight before she met me. How can I help her understand herself?

You know what it was like for you to be honest about the choices you are making, and how hard it was, how easily you must forget that. You should not force her into your time constraints, or you will lose her.

Why do men do this? It is so annoying!!!!!!!?

Why do men look (and don't hide the fact they are looking) at other women when they are with their girlfriends? My b/f did this to me, he basically drooled over this other women who was passing by us. I let him know I saw what he did (jokingly) but I started thinking about it and getting more upset. It makes me feel like I'm not good enough. Why would he need to look at other women? Next time he does it I may get cross with him....>:[

2month old teething?!?

She is exclusively breastfed. She is constantly drooling, chewing on her hands, and sucks vigorously on her paci. She eats fine. Is she teething already?!

Can you solve this Chemistry Problems?(about measurement)?

Normally I would recommend taking some time off from school, but you are soooo close! I know you can do 4 more weeks! Maybe for these last 4 weeks you and your husband could work out someway to take them to their daycare so you can have some much needed study time, minus the little interruptions. And when you finish school, you'll have a better chance of getting a good job with some decent pay (hopefully, but I'm not sure what you're studying). You are doing great, just keep up your wonderful work

Majority of religion discourage eating blood(cooked of-course). However I have come across sections of people?

Well, blood in general is high in iron, if I recall. However, the only type of 'cooked' blood product that I know people eat is blood sausage, and that is by European cultures, such as German, Italian, and English people. I do not know of any religions that discourage eating blood products. On a more personal note, I can not eat it because I know what black pudding is made of, and it does not appeal at all, but most of my friends are Scottish, and they enjoy it.

Basic chemistry help!?!?

an unknown acid that we will call HA ionizes at 3.9% if the concentration of acid was originally .132M. what is the value of Ka?

Math question help, can you help me with a complex problem?

Yesterday I had 240 points, then I received 17 deletions, I appealed all 17 and was declined on all but 1. So if x=240, y=160 and z=Yahoo Customer Care combined IQ score @ x-y, how many drool buckets and helmets must be ordered from the warehouse to replace Yahoo's aging equipment?

Can you interpret these dreams I had?

May I suggest that you post these as separate dreams in order to get the most responses. It is overwhelming to read all of these.

I need help finding a punk rock song !?

I dont know the name of the song but the music video starts off like this : the band barges in the school and they look at the girl and then they go in the class room and they are all drooling over how hot the teacher is and then they go to lunch and one of the band members faints . Please help find the song .

Why is my cat drooling? PLEASE HELP?

You say she's "recessive". Is that lethargic? With her tongue hanging out and a personality change, it could be so many things, injury, upset digestive system, poison, age, insect or animal bite. Cats are hard to self-diagnose. The vet is the best idea. In the meantime, just make sure she has access to clean water and let her hide out if she wants to--it will help to keep her calm.

Do standard American bulldogs drool?

I was wondering if the "standard" American bulldog drools alot. If so how much does the other version drool the "bully" type

Do you need to use 2pac primers if your going to use 2pack paints or can you use normal primers?

im new to spraying iv sanded down my bonnet ready to spray a bit of etching primer then highfill not sure if i need special primers as im going to spray 2pack paint

What is the best Chemistry CLEP exam guide?

I just need to knock it out of my courses. I don't need the credits to boost GPA. I'm pretty astute when it comes to Chemistry and the sciences, but I would like a good book to just study for the CLEP. But it could also just be a website--any resources would be good. Thanks!

I have a Maltipoo puppy, she got fixed the 22, she ripped open her stitches yesterday...?

if she was seen there you should be able to just call and give symptoms. She sounds like she is having a reaction to one of the meds.

Is taking highschool basic Biology + chemistry hard?

See I took Pre Ap Biology my 9th grade year and passed the final exam with a 94 and Chemistry is just about the periodic table. If you can memorize things you should be good to go!

Help decode an emoticon from my cell phone!!?

Hey guys, so facebook sent me a password kinda thing to my phone to make sure I am the real user. So i have to type in the password(which i received as an sms from facebook in my phone)to keep my account safe. Its not a scam so don't worry bout that. Now the problem is that i received the code and apparently the first two words represent an emoticon, so my phone reads the message as an emoticon followed by the password(for ex if the password was : ) G O L my phone would read it as smiley face G O L.) But I dont know how to make the emoticon in the phone( nokia 6303i if thats any help). THE EMOTICON RESEMBLES SOMETHING LIKE AN 'UNSURE DROOLING' face if that makes any sense, OR PERHAPS SMOKING CIGARETTE, lol. I saw in the net that the drooling face is :B but it didn't work when I typed it in my phone. any help would be tremendously appreciated!! and if you got any questions I'll try to answer them through extra details, so please come back to this to see the answer. THANK YOU!

Chemistry Question??? Plzz Help Someone!?

Sodium phosphate is added to a solution that contains 0.0076 M aluminum nitrate and 0.047 M calcium chloride. The concentration of the first ion to precipitate (either Al3+ or Ca2+) decreases as its precipitate forms. What is the concentration of this ion when the second ion begins to precipitate?

Where can I buy an Army Rangers Knife?

A good friend of mine is going to West Point in less than a month and I want to get him something. Since He wants to become a Ranger in the 75th regiment, I figured I'd get him a knife that maybe has the Ranger patch or symbol on it. Is there any company or manufacturer that makes good or decent knives that I could have the Ranger logo or something etched into it? Thanks.

Got braces and expanders all in one day, now I have some questions!?

Tha answer to all questions is it will take time to get used to it....give it at least 2/3 weeks.....

Did this badger go into shock?

I totally agree with what you said to "Why bother". I've seen him/her comment rudely on a lot of people's questions ("Why bother" had that coming). I'm not sure if the badger did go into shock The medical definition of shock is: "A critical condition brought on by a sudden drop in blood flow through the body. There is failure of the circulatory system to maintain adequate blood flow." If you didn't see the badger bleeding you might have simply broke it's spine which would result in paralysis. There's nothing anyone could do for that badger and it suffered too much damage to ever go back and survive in the wild. It wasn't you're fault it was just an accident comparable to someone hitting a deer. It probably died shortly after the incident.

Chemistry Question??? Plzz Help!?

What is the lead nitrate concentration when 5.0 mL of 0.043 M lead nitrate is added to 11 mL of 0.0020 M sodium chloride?

Dog transferring worms?

Once my dad told me you can't let a dog lick you in the face as if they have worms there is a possibility you go blind. My puppy is constantly picking up things he shouldn't and I am taking them from his mouth when they are covered in his drool. He gets de wormed every 3-4 months. Normally I wash my hands before eating etc but this time I completely forgot as I was crying lots today so I ate food even though I probably had dog slobber all over my hands. When he goes to the toilet I never see anything. Is it ok then? But he keeps on alternating between constipation and diarrhoea (one time I saw blood as well) is this because he is a puppy so his stomach is adapting?

Is the aluminum power from an etch a sketch good enough to make a firecracker?

I bought some potassium perchlorate online and i know that etch a sketch has aluminum powder, iv read that its mesh is from 600 to 400, i still feel like this wont work.

Michael Oher And Collins Touhy's Chlidhood Sexcapades?

Michael Oher and Collins Touhy (however it's spelled) used to have sex when they were kids growing up, and Michael started living in the Touhy's home. Collins had admitted to her friends when Michael first started attending her school that she was very sexually attracted to him. Her friends, as a joke gag, supported her and etched her on to start having sexual encounters with michael, and so she was extremely happy when she looked up and her parents had brought Michael home to stay with them. Late at night, either she would slip into Michaels covers, or Michael would go to her room, and they would get it on. Rumor has it that Oher got Collins impregnated once, and hr parents secretly took her to have an abortion, and everyone just swept it under the rugs. And rumor has it that they are still very sexually involved even now. When asked, Collins said that from the moment she saw Michael, she knew he was extremely well endowed, and she just could not get past her own sexual lust for his endowment. And even today, when looking back on it, she says with a big smile that her imaginations about how big his endowment was was right on! And she says even today that taking all of his endowment, both orally and the originally, was a very big challenge for her, and a challenge that she really loved meeting. Collins reportedly says now that she is used to it and can handle Michael's manhood very easily. although soetimes when it is at its biggest, it still hurts a little bit. My question is this: What is your input abpout her publically discussing hers and Michael Oher's sexual lust for each other? And also, what is your input on her talking about how much if a challenge it was for her to successfully take and handle every bit of Michael's endowment? I won't even ask any questions about Collins' supposedly pregnancy that she got from Michael Oher, and how the whole family and their friends, made her and encouraged here to get the secret abortion, and how that everyone thatw as involved swept it under the rug all these years. To me, that is just plain wrong to do, so I won't even go there with any questions! But what is your intake on all this and about how Collins and Michael had, and still has, a secret lust affair for each other?

Anyone ever been caught drooling from sleeping in class?

lol happened to me today.....i was too tired and bored to really care, anyway, has it happened to you?

Barcelona eyes david luiz?

@Unbelievable!: Correction, Chelsea have all the money in the world. Chelsea couldnt care less how much barca are willing to pay for him if they want him he stays

Why can't all the fat, nerdy wrestling fans stop complaining that certain wrestlers don't get to be the best?

Why do all those wrestling fans out there that sit on their computers drool on their webcams about jobber matches complaining that all them guys should be wwe champions and John Cena sucks and has so talent? Shouldn't they just realize that their favorite little jobbers can't be at the top all the time. And when will they stop lying that the main event people have no talent even though they do they are just to lazy to see that? I know I used bad grammar and if you're not down with that then..... you can go make a dumb youtube video that no one will watch about it.....

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Using an air compressor instead of canned computer duster?

I repair computers and use an air compressor all the time. But be careful, air compressors are way more powerful then caned air. I have seen people actually blow parts off of the motherboard and over spin fans to the point where they are broken.

Screaming 5 month old, teething?

Everyone and their mother will probably tell you this is a bad idea, but when I was a baby and teething, my parents and grandparents just got a drop of whiskey on their finger and rubbed it on the sore spot and i'd stop crying, and they'd been doing that for generations. Just saying, it wouldn't hurt him and might even help.

Help me please, I'm so confused! :(?

i went threw the same exact thing your going threw. i fell in love with my best friend. it sounds like she has feelings for you, but is to scared to tell you. i would just wait a little while to see if she tries to make a move or give you a sign that she likes you. as far as getting over her, its going to be really hard. the first person you like alot is almost impossible to get over. you just gotta learn how to live with just being friends and try to find someone else to like. from what you said, i think your bi. but your only 14, you still have time to figure out who you are! im 16 and still have no idea what i am. but i hope with help alittle.

My adult male dog continuously sniffs another male dog's penis?

Neuter him, if you can't for some reason, honestly don't worry about it. He doesn't have major issues like aggression or health problems, It's just a natural dog thing. Although annoying, It might not be able to be fixed unless he is neutered.

I am happy that Osama Bin Laden is dead! Who else agrees with me?

On, september 11, 2001 my life was changed forever. This man killed, hurt, and affected so many people and their families that I could never etch out the shock of September 11th. I am happy that this man is no longer in the world. He attacked and hurt a good nation, our nation of the United States of America. Yet, we are still standing and are hanging in there, all of us. May god have mercy on that poor mans soul. God bless America. Tell me, what is on your mind, please comment.

Just got a Ball Python. PLEASE read... I have questions!?

He's only two months old, got him from a reptile expo in Oaks PA. He's about a foot and two inches long. He makes this like....buzzing sound? Like a clicking sound alot? and drools alot. Please help? I'm very scared.

A poem attempt ... would you please read it and feel free to make changes?

Hi. I love your poem it's different , and your unique poetic persona is awesome , the topic and your word choices in between the stanzas are very creative i can see you have an active imagination. Keep it up.

Here's my schedule for 4 semesters (AA) what does my major sound like?

Well with the best of my knowlege those are all general classes you can figure out way specific classes are required for specific majors for specific colleges on

Poem for boyfriend's birthday!?

It's reaaaallly deep. Maybe save it for the six month anniversery? Wouldnt want to go to fast ya know? But if you must, I think hell love it!

Poll : should I text her or call her or wait?

I would or would want the other person to call to let me know so Im not left thinking if he is still interested. I think it's rude to just ignore someone that you supposedly like. Very rude! When someone is like that with me I wont ever talk to them again. It's unexcusable. Grow up!

My dogs do this weird thing...?

I've seen that before--I don't know why, but taste and smell are connected. I don't think it's abnormal.

What is the best Chemistry CLEP exam guide?

I just need to knock it out of my courses. I don't need the credits to boost GPA. I'm pretty astute when it comes to Chemistry and the sciences, but I would like a good book to just study for the CLEP. But it could also just be a website--any resources would be good. Thanks!

People which bag do you like the best? pictures included?

I like the first one alot!!! Its super cute and totally stylish!! I would buy the first one but their both super cute! :-)

I have a 2 month old boy who eats a TON, and has started drooling alot lately....?

Think it would be OK to put some baby cereal in his formula once a day to hold him over a little longer?

Will my teacher like this poem?

That was an extremely inspirational poem! What is so great about it, is that they rhymes aren't forced. They are absolutely perfect. It sounds like you really do appreciate everything she has done for you. She is going to feel so amazing after reading it. I know I did! Great poem, great meaning, GREAT JOB!!! :D :D :D

What could cause this in my 7month old baby?

Starting May 27th she was back and forth the hospital for being wheezy, she was put on medication for bronc. then a few days later off that and on a steriod and another type and a puffer with the dates of may 27th and june 6th the meds didnt seem to work once those doses was finished she seemed to come back to normal by the 2nd day of no meds but she has had gas like crazy non stop all day every day since. Also within those dates she has thrown up twice and i mean covered herself and me. NOT like her. she usually spits up like normal when burpt but that has stopped the last few months. Sooo.. with that said... last night was feeding her and getting her ready for bed. she was half asleep in my arms when all a sudden outta no where with no signs she throws up soaking us both the she started to get warm(no fever) and alil shakey.she was drooling alot but the last few days that has stopped.Also since shes been having this gas she doesnt seem to be drinking as much. a case( 12 cans - 385mL each) of formula has lasted us since june 4th. and it is now the 16th she got 3 cans left. Off and on during the day she seems warm but no fever. last night at the hospital they left the oxgyen reading thing on her cuz it was reading 94.. Any idea why shes like this???

How long will it take for my babys first tooth to come in?

my lillte boy has just turned 3 months and for the past few days he has been crying lots which is very unusual. also he is drooling like mad and is chomping on his hands and anything he can get hold of. he's had a bit of a temperature which i gave him calpol for and that settled him a bit. i breastfeed and also express so his daddy can feed him occassionally but last night he screamed when the bottle was in his mouth but latched onto my breast straight away and was fine. is he teething and how long until his first tooth pops through.anyone breastfed when their LO has teeth as i want to continue as long as i can.

I really like this tall awkward guy lol but?

The guy that I had a brief thing with was overall a goofy guy and this could be the case. Some guys are just nice and friendly to everyone which gives you the impression that he might like you more than that. I personally think he does like you though. He seems sweet. Good luck! Please help me:;_ylt=Ah0vHvokY8hfXu66K.nK7V7ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110629214244AAbBuSK

Comment/Critique my writing please?

wow, i really like it! i think it is very unique, not only the plot, but the way you write. keep it up, dear!............did You just call me a frekin troll? wel, i try to be nice and i get insulted.

What is the history behind the 75th Ranger Regiment's...?

I'm buying my friend and aspirin Army Ranger s knife before he goes off to West Point this summer and I figured that I'd get him one that has the Ranger patch on it (I know that he couldn't carry it around at WP or until he does become a Ranger but I think it'll be a nice gift). Anyway, I keep seeing this USARA Dagger that's being sold as a great Ranger knife. This seems odd to me and I figured that It may have some historical background like maybe it's a traditional or ceremonial thing. Anyway, I just wanted to see if anyone knew. Also, if anyone knows a good brand of fixed blade knivesthat could have the Ranger logo etched into them? Thanks.

Would this product be good for painting the basement floor?

Contrary to popular belief, a basement floor should allow moisture to evaporate into the room rather than trapping it below the surface. The improper use of vapor barriers can create mold problems. The best type of materials for basement floor would be 100% water proof, non-absorbent and inorganic. The properties of these materials will minimize the possibility for mold to grow on it. Materials such as vinyl sheets, linoleum, rubber floors, Epoxy and other sealants do nothing to prevent the ground water from infiltrating the slab through capillary action. The best type of basement flooring should allow the moisture to evaporate into the room rather than trapping it below the surface.

How to make new yahoo frinend?

i am 27 years maleB,Sc with chemistry, look handsame,working in dubai as a water treatment supervisor unmerid want to tach with girls

Will a major in Chemistry allow me to follow these career paths?

For medicine and stuff I think Biochemistry would be better because then you can learn about the body and how certain stuff affects it but I'm not expert and I could be completely wrong.

What caused these reactions to 2 strangers?

Wow, print what you wrote and take it to your medical doctor, we don't have the right to just guess things. It seems like you are having some kind of trauma related stress, but I can't figure it out based on what you wrote. There could be medical issues adding to your stress. Ask your doctor for help. Peace be with you.

Is this a good love poem?

I love poetry!And that was beautiful!Id feel like the luckiest girl alive if anyone wrote that for me.whoever you give that to is a lucky girl

What are some good college courses that I can take now to enter college as a sophomore after I leave HS?

There is no magic number of AP exams you can take to start college as a sophomore. Every college has their own policy about AP credit. So while you might get a year of credit at one school, you might get 0 credits at another. Plus, starting as a sophomore doesn't really matter. Introductory level courses have students from all years. Plus, you may have to retake certain AP classes for your major, especially if you are a pre-professional (pre-med, pre-dental, pre-pharm, etc) major.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What do you think of my poem?

It is actually quite good - if a bit short. It's strength lies in your feeling connected to those who passed before you - even tho you didn't know them. I can easily picture you there in the graveyard. Impressive piece for one so young...and keep the word "erected." It has an entirely different feel than the alternative being offered. It implies meticulous effort on the part of those who placed the tombstones...

I think my dog is dying ?

my dog well he is a Rottweiler and I think he is gettig around that time becausr he is usually barking at everything or walking around but I left my dog outside last night in my yard ( he is a outside dog but forgot to put him in his house) the next morning around 8 I hear him breathing really loud so I went out there to make sure he ain't choking but I find him laying there breathing hard and his heart pounding .slobbering all over but I mean he was drooling a lot his legs were dripping and same with his mouth so I let him loose get him fresh water but for the whole afternoon he didn't move just laid there the drooling stopped but now its like he can't move he just looks at me the last couple of days he hasn't been eating at all just drinking water my parents say we can't take to the vet cause we can't afford it but I can't just leave him there after him being with me for about 7 years I can't leave him suffering please any suggestions I'm trying to see to borrow some money to take him to the vet but no luck yet anything will help sorry for the long question. If you need more info that I forgot to say let me know just want to get this question out quick

Is it practical to pursue and study 3 bachelor degree programs at the same time?

To finish all 3 majors in 3 years won't happen. Finishing all 3 majors in 4 years may not even be feasible. Sit down and write out a 4 year plan to see where classes overlap and where they don't. Not that many courses from biology/chemistry overlap with physics.

What could be the cause of this in my 7month old lil girl?

Starting May 27th she was back and forth the hospital for being wheezy, she was put on medication for bronc. then a few days later off that and on a steriod and another type and a puffer with the dates of may 27th and june 6th the meds didnt seem to work once those doses was finished she seemed to come back to normal by the 2nd day of no meds but she has had gas like crazy non stop all day every day since. Also within those dates she has thrown up twice and i mean covered herself and me. NOT like her. she usually spits up like normal when burpt but that has stopped the last few months. Sooo.. with that said... last night was feeding her and getting her ready for bed. she was half asleep in my arms when all a sudden outta no where with no signs she throws up soaking us both the she started to get warm(no fever) and alil shakey.she was drooling alot but the last few days that has stopped.Also since shes been having this gas she doesnt seem to be drinking as much. a case( 12 cans - 385mL each) of formula has lasted us since june 4th. and it is now the 16th she got 3 cans left. Off and on during the day she seems warm but no fever. last night at the hospital they left the oxgyen reading thing on her cuz it was reading 94.. Any idea why shes like this???

I have Science coursework on ..?

... On intensive/organic farming, and I am finding it very hard, but I need to get top grades, so I can swap it for my D in Chemistry. Any tips? On how to fully explain a graph, step by step. Also, what should I mention to get the higher grades, thanks so much. Stressing!

Rabies question for you folks out there: Anyone have a serious answer for me?

So... Here's my question: I accidentally left my garage door open last night, and a raccoon came in and was poking about in my recycling bin and trying to get into the garbage can (why, I don't know, as both were quite empty- some lingering odor or odors, perhaps). In doing so, it clambered onto some various hand tools/etc. that are kept to the side of where the recycling bin and garbage can are. I managed to scare the animal out of the garage (it was pretty adamant about not wanting to leave, actually) without having to physically come in contact with it; supposing that this raccoon might possibly be rabid, is it possible for someone to contract rabies by touching those surfaces that the animal walked on/touched, those surfaces that it might have possibly, for example, drooled on? I didn't come in contact with any of those surfaces with my hands last night; closing the door entailed touching things that the raccoon could not possibly have gotten in contact with. I will, to be sure, need to be using the aforementioned hand tools some time in the days to come, possibly even later today. Yeah... I know, I'm being a bit of a paranoiac here, but does anyone have some good, straight to the point info for me? I thank you in advance for your replies.

My dog is acting weird after he ate a bone?

I bought a dog bone at the store and gave it to my Boxer, Boaz. He usually scarfs chewbones down but he stopped halfway through and walked away, and then my parents said he was acting a little weird, like acting like he was gonna throw up, but he never did... So I went to the place where he ate the bone and noticed several sharp fragments. He is a boxer so he drools, but not excesively, but his lips are dripping slightly now and he's just laying on the floor. Could he have swollowed a sharp fragment or just have a bellyache from his sensative stomach??

Extract from to kill a mocking bird WHY is Jems description unlikely to be true? PLEASE HELP?

The kids had never seen Boo Radley because he never came out of the house. They were just making a conclusion about Boo Radley from rumours

How to win back a Scorpio girl?

well...get her back the same way u got her in the 1st place.and tell her your srry and she was right all along.and tell her how much you love her.and that you'll do whatever it takes to win her back

Was it wrong of me????????

okay so my boy friend told me a few lies but i did not know that they where lies all the way. so today some one said that he was __ years old... he was littler if it was true. so i asked him he said he was my age and then said "you trust your friends more than me" i said that is not true. so than another guy comes up to me and said "wow your boyfriend is a little young for you" i said how old is he and he said the same age as the other guy... they do not know etch other. so like 10 ppl later telling me he is younger than he told me he is. i go up to him and say "how old are you?" he says "__" so i go up to his best friend and say "zack how old are you?" he says __" and it is younger than what my boyfriend said. so i say are you and your best friend the same age he says yeah and goes on with what he is doin like it was no big deal. so i go back to my bf and say " you lied to me!!!" he said "no i did not" ppl start to come up like ya know WHATS THE DEAL WITH THE YELLIN. so his best friend comes up like what the deal? my friends come up standing by my side. we fight for like 20mins. after all that he is crying and balling saying "just give me another chance" his friend come up to me all askin me stuff. so he comes up to me and says '' i do not want to brake up with you" and i say TOO BAD! so then his best friend comes up to me and says " it was all a joke" and i say what part of it was a joke? he says "all of it... will you still be his gf?" i say no i am dumpin his sorry a**. so now we are all fighting again. i stand up and say really loud " YOU ARE A PIG! I AM DONE WITH YOUR SORRY AS*" he is now up in my face yellin! so i go call my best guy friend and tell him i need help with it all. he get there on his bike in like 2mins. he pushes my exbf away from me and gets in his face and yells so loud. he told him to stay away from me or he will be sorry. so i am crying a bit after my ex is gone and my guy friend is telling me it is okay and hugging me to make me feel better. so was it bad for me to brake up with him and get my guy friend in it all? i am sorry for how long this is.

Feeling like i dont belong in my family?

No family is perfect. Growing up with siblings is always hard because as much as parents deny it they do have preferences among they're other words they have favorites, and siblings always gang together. So I think growing up in that household has made you timid, you just need to break away from that and be yourself. Don't harm yourself just be strong and try to find a place among people you have something in common with. I'm sure you're a great person and just keep being yourself but don't hold grudges against your family because it will tie you down and make you feel worse. Try to focus on the good things about yourself and life and I'm sure you'll make it through

Is there a way I can open a dog rescue?

That is not a dog rescue. A dog rescue does not "rely" on donations and does not help for a "fee", a dog rescue is started by someone who IS the donater, they pay for toys, food, crates, etc. If you would really like to help i suggest you foster a dog at a real dog rescue, that means you go to a rescue and you care for a dog that they have up for adoption, it helps make space for new dogs to come in. Techanically it is not adopting you are just caring for the dog UNTIL it gets adopted.

How can I stop drooling in my sleep?

I know its gross, but I'm sixteen and going to be moving in with my boyfriend soon, and I absolutly do not want to be sleeping with him and drooling all over the bed, or worse, him. So does anyone have any tricks or something to help? Much appreciated. Thanks :)

Comment/critique some writing, please?

I really like this, I think you could get published eventually. Everything you asked was really nice. Tell me when it's released ;)

I want to become a wolf biologist!!!!?

Well I just recently decided that I want to be a Wolf biologist. I wish I would have made up my mind sooner because I did take biology and biology to and passed both with an C average...Please understand im a typical teen from ever thing that has been going on I wasn't taking school seriously. I want to go back and show my full potential but I cant. I wanted to take zoology to better my chances with collage but I didn't know I had to take Chemistry to get into the class which I find being very irrelevant but cant change how they think. Please help give me some kind of advice its my senior year and its my last chance to clean up my act for good. So please help

Critique for my story?

this is really, really good. I think the dialogue could be expressed a bit more clearly, but other than that, tell me when this thing hits the shelves, it's way better than all that vampire crap!


i put this flea/tick powered on my cat just about 10 mintures ago, and i read the directions before i put it on, and she licked it and now she is drooling and wont stop and keeps capping her lips together,is she going to die!?!?!? i keep trying to give her water but she just runs away!

Is this an ok description I wrote?

here is the only answer I can give you, it is not the public you need to ask it is yourself, ask yourself this. If you like it then I am sure others will. i am an author as well. I ask myself frequent questions. If you think it needs editing ask someone you know. you know?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My 5 month old formula fed daughter has mucus in her poop?

She's been on formula for a couple months now and does great on it. She recently caught a little bit of a cold from me but her doctor said it was just a virus and she would be fine, and she is. She drools A LOT from teething and I read that because of that it could cause some mucus like poop, has anyone else gone through this?? Is it normal or should I take her in to see the doctor??

Whats wrong with my dog? :(?

I Have a Boxer puppy ,male the problem with him is that he won't eat. All he does is drink water when he throws up its water plus this white foamy substance. Plus he is drooling a lot and well I don't have money to take him to the vet and I'm extremely worried. I've been hand feeding him to keep him from getting super weak and I've also have given him baby pediatric electrolyte to keep him hidrated. Also some of his stool samples are basically just water no blood whatsoever. But please help I would extremely appreciate it and to those who give really supportive comments I thank you.

Is it normal to crush on the "bad boy"?

I'm a 14 year old girl but I have the biggest crush on our school's "bad boy". He's 17 and a total rebel and a jerk but I can't help but feel attracted to him. He's so handsome like gahh, it makes me drool. But I don't want to date him because I know I'll get hurt really bad because he smokes and drinks and does other drugs and is violent and gets into a lot of fights and once beat up a guy who was 24!!! I don't understand why I'm so attracted to him. He's so arrogant and stubborn and a bully, doesn't listen to anyone, always does things his way and doesn't care who gets hurt as long as he gets what he wants. It's like I should hate him but I don't. I feel bad for liking him. Is it normal to have feelings for a guy like that?

POETRY: What do you think of this Haiku?

The Haiku form is very pretty, but it'd be interesting to see it as a Sonnet, maybe write out the Sonnet and compare the two?

Will failing one class kill my chances of getting into a good graduate school?

Is it too late for you to withdraw? You might want to look into that. If not, though, I don't think it'll be a dealbreaker. There's usually a place on the application where you can clarify any issues in your academic record. You can just explain that you wanted to stretch yourself, but you got in over your head despite your best efforts and the experience really reaffirmed that [chosen program] was what you were meant to do. They'll probably conclude that themselves if it's a total outlier compared to the rest of your record, but it helps to give your side of the story. (Alternatively, you could retake the class or at least take a similar elective that's more forgiving to non-science majors, but I don't think it's worth it if there's other stuff you need/want to take instead.)

How to dry point etch?

I need to write it in 6 steps for my art homework- and everything seems so complicated on the internet so i just thought i'd ask yahoo! thanks

Associate in nursing to nurse practitioner?

Is it possible to go from an associate in nursing to acute care nurse practitioner? i have a degree in Chemistry/ Biochemistry and another one in Biology.

How do i keep my 2 year old in his bed?

I have a 2 and a half year old. He is still in his crib because he CONSTANTLY gets out of it. He's even opened the back door a few times. I can put him to bed anywhere from once to 15 times in a single night. Sometimes, he is up before I can even get downstairs. I've tried giving him a "calm down toy" such as a book or a glow in the dark etch-a-sketch. Some days it works.... others, not so much. I've tried taking toys, blankets, and even spankings. I'm worried about putting him in a toddler bed.... WHAT CAN I DO?!?!

How do I tell my friend the reason he can't get a girlfriend?

Try to tell him indirectly. when he gets a new email gf or whatever, tell him you want to help him do the smooth-talking. If that doesnt work, you're just going to have to be honest with him.

Honest Opinion On My GCSE subjects & grades ?

Yeah (: It's fine . All schools say take a language unless you wanna be in travel and tourism or air hostess then you dont need a language (:

Magic the gathering etched champion?

If a colored creatures attacks my champ.when it has metal.craft can i stop it and take no damage since it has protection from all colors or does it still take damage

Majority of religion discourage eating blood(cooked of-course). However I have come across sections of people?

Well, blood in general is high in iron, if I recall. However, the only type of 'cooked' blood product that I know people eat is blood sausage, and that is by European cultures, such as German, Italian, and English people. I do not know of any religions that discourage eating blood products. On a more personal note, I can not eat it because I know what black pudding is made of, and it does not appeal at all, but most of my friends are Scottish, and they enjoy it.

How to touch up my horse and also get a bond?

I have just started leasing a horse in May. Being a 13 yr old half arab who was slightly abused a long time ago, she is a little jumpy and unsure, but is a real sweetie. She is great at riding but sometimes, she just does not listen at all. She will turn and go all over the place, despite my handling on the reins. I think we are at the point in our relationship where she is testing my position as boss. What are some exercises that show her who is boss? I like to use natural methods, like how the horses do it in the wild. But anything else is great as well. Now with lunging, she could use some touching up. At the walk, she turns different directions all the time. When cantering, she is good but at random times will spin around. It is a great miracle if she can get a canter in for one whole circle. I know to hold the whip so she will not turn, but it does not work. So how can I get her to lunge properly? When I put the bit in, she flings her head around and refuses to let me put it in. She loves her copper bit, drooling over it. But putting it in is a chore. I can not put my finger in her mouth as she wont hold still! I try to hold her head bu nothing will work. How can I make this process easier on the both of us? Catching her in the field is easy but sometimes, she canters away from me, like on a hot day. She sees me and her pasture mate happily comes to me, but she is like "oh boy! here comes my workout!" How can I make her trust me more? I feel as if we have a weak bond so far, and I know it takes time, but I really would like to have an iron bond. How do horses bond in the wild? How can I bond with her? I have sat with her and scratched her favorite spot...groomed her well and have walked with her. But I feel little love. She likes to rub her head on me and I know she likes it is not that she hates me. Now my last issue: She is herd bound when alone with me. She will turn and try to go back to them. She runs right in front of me and tries to get to their pasture fence. I do not ride her alone yet, but when leading. During these moments...there is no respect for me. How do I show her whose boss, how can I lunge her properly, how can I help her trust me more and how can I get her to stop being herd bound to the point where she runs me over. I know she was abused...not too bad...but just a little abuse can do allot of damage. She trusts her pasture mate and not her rider. I know a horse and rider bond is a two way thing, so how can I improve my handling of her as well? Any natural ways to get trust and love? I know the blowing in the nose, but anything else? Thanks for your POSITIVE answers!

How does my poem sound?

That is amazing! I really liked that. I'm not sure how to say this but I guess that I like how it developed? How later you learn that he was your friend and lover. Anyway, awesome job!!! :D

What's the best way to attract a good guy?

i respect your style of dressing. M also a guy. Short dresses always gives the sense and feeling of sex rather than true love. So, never search the guy in short dress if you are searching true friend. The best way to attract a good guy is to maintain your personality best including beautiful dressing, enticing smile, sweet and polite sound and your interest towards the guy. But your face and body structure should be clear and attractive. It is not essential that you most much facial beautiful but the personal hygiene must be maintain.

My 13th birthday is soon, so im having a party in about 3 weeks (im a girl)?

im inviting 10 of my friends but no boys and might be having a campout. Anyone got any ideas on what we could do like, party games, etch. I was thinking it might be st trinians themed ? So we all have to dress up ??

I feel my dad checks me out? Why do i feel this way?

When ever i wear shorts, i wear long knee high socks since i have a big birthmark that lows my self esteem, and so i hardly wear shorts but when i do i feel dirty in front my dad, i feel he just looks at my butt and thighs n legs... And just by walking around him i feel nasty, i often times see him checking out girls MY AGE (13-17), or women around there 20-30s, and my mom even catches him just drooling over em n dosnt say anything, and i feel gross just seeing him do that... I want to tell my mom how i feel but then she's going to tell my dad what i said and he'll get mad... What should i do? I mean some guys say there isnt anything wrong by just looking but he's 40! Or am i just paranoid or something? Please help me

What is the best way to emancipate from my parents?

It sounds to me like you need to grow up. Stay in physics and get a good grade. Your mommy and daddy aren't being "arrogant and mean". Emancipation takes at least 8 months without consent. Besides, to be emancipated you need to prove you make enough money to live a stable life away from them.

Waking bruised, will you C/C please?

Relationships can often appear as conflict, expressed emotionally and sexually. You've conveyed this well.

AnimeNEXT convention help? Has anyone been to one?

I found on the internet an animeNEXT convention coming up where I live. I've never been to a convention before, so I'm not sure about what to expect. Do you have to be in cosplay to enter, or can you come in regular clothes? I'm not into entering any events, just watching them, especially the Masquerade (I've viewed some on Youtube). My friend is coming with me and we both have the event planned out. Is it extremely crowded to the point where you have to etch your way to different facilities (like a concert-crowded)? It would be great if anyone whose BEEN to these animeNEXT events could give me any info/advice. Tell me what your experiences were like so I can get an idea. Thanks in advance.

Is my dog in labor??????

She is pregnant about 60 days into her pregnancy. She has been panting since about 9:00 this morning and its now almost 3pm. She doesn't seem to terribly uncomfortable but she doesnt want to lay down. Shes panting with her mouth open and its causing her to drool a little bit. We made her a box but she doesnt seem to want to stay in it. Does this sound like shes in labor? If so how long until she starts delievering??

Do the tiny air bubbles from a powerhead dissolve air into the water?

The powerhead helps increase the surface area of the water to allow for more gaseous exchange. However, it doesn't do the dissolving of the gas itself. That is outcome is variable.

Should Obama be etched into Mount Rushmore after the huge achievement under his leadership?

What huge achievement would that be??!! OH ya the worst economy since the great depression, & gas prices that are climbing by the minute & not to mention the unemployment rate!!! UM NO I think NOT!!!! Or are you talking about the OBL ploy if he's really dead & if he is then no that credit go to BUSH WHO STARTED IT & OUR MILITARY WHO FINISHED IT!!!!! So again I say UM NO I THINK NOT!!!!!

LGBT: Watching the "Telephone" video, compared to Lady Gaga, why is Beyonce so fat?

I'm not being biased just because I'm a super, super, total Lady Gaga fan. But I used to think Beyonce was pretty but I paid attention and realized how FAT she is. No disrespect to the straight black guys that drool over her but what do they see in her. Anyone else noticed?

How is this bit of writing?

I have to agree, it is a little over descriptive. Also, mention the other bot at leats once... we didn't even know he was there until the second-last sentence. And you say 'Andrew' too often. I know when you're writing you feel the need to say the characters names often, in case people forget who you are talking about, but when you reread it you notice that the name is in there too much. Try and replace some of the 'Andrews' with other words.

How to predict Ph of A salt in solution ?

True all these salts are neutral except CrCl3. You have to look carefully at the cations. Each cation has what is called a charge density. this is the ratio of charge to volume. cations with a high charge density (like Cr3+ with its triple positive charge) will, when hydrated in solution interact very strongly with the water molecules, and draw the oxygen centers so strongly that one or more of them will lose a proton which will enter solution and make it acidic. thats the explanation. ions with charges of 3+ and higher typically behave this way.


this is for class i need to put this into a correct paragraph but cant quite get if someone could help me right this correctly pleassse "A baby is as joyful as your favorite song .A baby makes all kinds of sounds .this may sound silly but there almost as a parrot they could really mock you with every thing you may say. A baby may try to tell you something though you may not understand it and while there eating the sounds of those bubbles are hysterical a baby could really do those bubbles all day .but what a baby could really do much more than bubbles and drool is of course cry . A baby could cry the sound wheen there just in pain or uncomfortable its not adorable at all it quite painfull to hear actually and not able to figure out why there crying its really just devastating tomy ears poor baby that’s all that runs through my mind.further more but the best sound that a baby makes it when there laughing of joy now that’s a song to my ears . Either there being tickled or watching something that makes them laugh its really so much joy its as sweet as vanilla Sunday it truly is the best joy that could bring to my ears my mind and my heart." thank you so much

Questions about teething?

My son is 13 months old and has 6 teeth, he hasn't gotten a new tooth in about 3.5-4 months. A couple months ago he had symptoms of teething (fussiness, chewing on everything, drooling, pulling on his ear) but nothing popped through. Then he stopped having symptoms. And now he's having symptoms again and still no new teeth! Is this normal? Does teething always involve cutting a tooth, or can he just feel it under his gums and then it stops for a while?

Puppy suddenly drooling excessively?

Did you have treats with you for his training session? If so, that's probably is it. If you think that Dobes don't/can't drool, you are wrong. Any dog can drool when it is anticipating food. Also, a dog can drool when stressed, such as a dog that hates to go in the car. I've had Dobes for nearly 30 years now, and the *second hand* Dobe I have right now does drool with the anticipation of being fed. Heck, the last show Dobe that I co-owned drooled when it went to the Vet, but never in the ring. One other thing is that dogs often drool before they are going to puke. Honestly, I don't think you are looking at anything serious here unless the dog is acting abnormal.

Does my dog has rabies ?

I'm sorry for asking such an obvious question but I am just confused.. We have 3 male dogs 2 of which are very close to us while the other one is the exact opposite. The two friendly ones have their yearly rabies shots but again the other one struggles and even bites! So, one fateful day, one of the nice dogs and the rude dog fought and it ended dramatically. The friendly dog had ears almost torn. We were worried because he lay on the floor after that, not moving. Then stood up and everything was well, or so we thought. After several minutes, he stood at his waiting place where he waits his food and climbed the wall there which was kind of see-through glass. I saw his saliva dripping and he was drooling. That's when I got very worried.... Please help me ..

Can you level your own back porch?

Our back porch slants down a little but bc of it we can't put a pool up bc the weight is all shifted to the one side, is there away to lay more cement on it to level it out? And how do you make new cement stick to old, do you have to etch it?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Retarded Nephew Is Coming To Visit. How Can I Prepare?

It sounds like a challenging situation. However, applying Luke 10:27, " love your neighbor as yourself ", means kindness goes a long way. If we treat others with love and kindness, that is what will come back to us. You can't go wrong when you apply bible counsel.

Magic the gathering etched champion?

If a colored creatures attacks my champ.when it has metal.craft can i stop it and take no damage since it has protection from all colors or does it still take damage

How much is my Zippo lighter worth?

try taking it to a pawn shop or specialty store. they can tell you the best price, or put it on eBay with a starting price of like 100 dollars and see how high it goes, then take it off before it ends, to get an idea of how high it might go...

How good is this begining?

I really love this. You are very talented. I am editing my debut novel. Maybe you and I could help one another with our writing. Let me know, I am on Facebook.

How can i restore pref etch data on my computer?

The pref etch data was accidentally deleted (I don't even know and why it was deleted) need help to restore it.

What breed of medium/large dog is best suited for me?

Ex-racing greyhounds are delightful pets. Most are "retired" at age 3-4 and can be expected to live another 8-10 years. They are real "velcro dogs": for the first time in their lives, someone loves them, and they return that love many times over. They are gentle, low-shedding, low-odor, little-barking couch potatoes indoors. Most people don't realize that a race lasts only 30 seconds. The rest of a greyhound's day is lounging/sleeping, so these dogs have little stamina and require far less exercise than you might think. A fenced yard for short sprints is ideal, but greyhounds are fine as apartment dogs as long as they get a long walk every day or two (once they build up the stamina for a long walk). They should never roam loose, due to their speed and fragile skin. There's a considerable size range, from under 50 to over 90 pounds, but they lounge on their beds, or curl up into balls to nap, and aren't underfoot the way many smaller dogs are. Most greyhounds adore other greyhounds, and many are fine with cats and other dogs. If you have a cat, be sure to adopt from a group that cat-tests its hounds on real cats, not stuffed animals. At the track, they are let out of their crates briefly, 4 times a day. So they are crate-trained, which is halfway to housetrained. They have never seen stairs, so need gentle coaxing, or the example of another dog, to learn stairs. If you get a dog that has been in a foster home, those things will already have been taught. Thousands of hounds are killed each year because the tracks aren't waiting for room to open up for them at greyhound adoption groups. When you adopt, you save the life of a different Greyhound by making space at the adoption kennel. Adoption fees run around $300 for a neutered/spayed dog that has been vaccinated, treated for parasites, and heartworm-tested. For more info and a link to a rescue group near you:

How is the video game designing job market, opportunities?

The video job market is not going to die. It'd last forever. If you have good soft ware skill, good imagination, you could create your own video game. You could launch it in your own website, you get paid whenever people download the game. A lot of money is in the market.

Urge to cut myself, PLEASE HELP?

First of all, I'm really sorry about your brother. Try not to think about how your brother felt before his passing, he's in a better place now, he's happy, and the last thing he'd want you to do is cut yourself, so don't do that. Don't give up, don't break down, sooner than it seems life turns around. Just be strong, even if it all goes wrong. When you're standing in the dark, still believe that someone's watching over you, and that someone is your brother. God bless.

Why is my dog throwing up, trying to poop but not pooping very much and drinking a lot of water?

she never drools when she drinks and is drooling afterwards. she threw up everything she ate and drank today and keeps trying to poop but she can only poop a little bit at a time and it is infrequently.

Chemistry Help Please.! I just need someone to explain how to do it.?

If 35.5 mL of 0.23 M HCl is required to completely neutralize 20.0 mL of NH3, what is the concentration of the NH3 solution?

Advice on creative writing? only 400 words?

good job - how abt this - invent an imaginary place where the music takes you and you can kill off 400 words describing the place - - give it a smooth transition from above - -

HELP With london underground+Places to visit?

Im going to see my girlfriend on new year for the first time, However i have NO idea how to get around the london underground. Ive been once before but luckily i was with my friend when we went to a concert and i couldnt work it out. Can anybody please explain to me how it works because i look at the map and just drool. Also, can anybody recommend any good places to visit or dine out in london or good spots to watch the fireworks without being crammed into a crowd? Romanticcccc ;D THANKS :)


Ok so I'm a going to be a freshmen and I want to start the year with a new start. I'm in summer school right now so I have met a few of the kids. I kno its to soon but one boy really caught my eye I dont know what it is about him, but i guess you could say I'm a hopeless romantic. No boy has ever asked me out let alone I'm never the first girl a boy's interested in. Yes, I'm pretty, and no I'm not creepy or whatever, my hygiene is fine, I dont have lice.... you get the point. I'm your typical teen. Anyways I was hoping in summer school I could meet a few new people and ecspecially that one guy. We came from different schools and I dont know much about him. (crazy right?) anyways of course Im outshined by this one girl who came from my school she was weel known (okay so she was popular) but anyways I admit she's pretty but she's hogging my spotlight for gods sake, and on top of that she has a great personality which doesn't help my chances of picking up any of the boys in my class because they all pay attention to her.....except the one guy I like. I feel like runner up miss america or somethin I do have a huge personality around my friends and family, I like to have fun just like any girl... so why dont other people see that. And when I do talk to some of the other guys in my class they just shrug me off.... I swear there all looking at her, and it's not fair cause she gets all the atttention. and not to sound self centered but I AM pretty! Tons of people had said so, but the guys in my class cant seem to see that! why?? and about the guy who I like.... I do like him and maybe because hes the only one not drooling over the girl who literally sitis in front of me!! But anyways I would like to talk to him and get to know him, because he seems like a nice guy but I dont know how to approach him. And like going up and saying hi to him isnt awkward. I dont know if he knows me and I dont know if he likes me but anyways any advice!? Thanks!

Science GPA and Med School (HELP ASAP PLEASE!)?

Ochem is hard I couldn't get above a D in two tries. That course is one of the hardest you will have so if you can get a B then it would be ok. Maybe not for all med schools but I am sure there are applicants that have Bs in Ochem.

Friend who won't ever return romantic feelings?

I gotta say I’ve been in love with a guy friend for nearly 2 years. Maybe not in love, but crazy over him. I’ve accepted the fact that he probably won’t ever return those feelings back. I don’t think that I measure up *physically* to what he is looking for. And besides, we have already talked about us dating and I know it’s pretty much a dead end. Nonetheless, for most of the 2 years I’ve known him, we’ve been pretty good friends, talking nearly every night online or through text and whatnot. We have very candid conversations that go on for hours about nearly any topic. So I’ve obviously gotten to know him a bit. And I’ve gotten to know some of his flaws – like him being self-centered, self-important, shallow, vain, etc. I’ve expressed to him my thoughts about that on a couple of occasions, and he takes great offense in it and insists that he isn’t like that. He even stopped talking to me for a month. I confronted him about that, and he says that he doesn’t want to be friends with someone who thinks some “false things” about him. Well, I’m not going to apologize to him for what I think. But little does he know that the reason I’m so harsh to him (in my head and sometimes through our conversations) is because I’m trying to make myself believe that he isn’t worthy because I know I’ll never have him. He is in love with some beautiful chick named Laura. I know I can’t compare, despite me not being ugly or fat per se …. But I simply don’t stack up to this girl, she is drop dead gorgeous. He has gotten to know me and seen what I’m about, and it still has not had an effect on him (as in, “Hey this girl is pretty cool and she’s not bad-looking”). Yet he barely knows this girl but he drools over her because of how hot she is. I’ve known that he won’t ever like me like I like him, so my heart has put up some barriers, and have become overly critical of him. Truth is, he’s a decent guy but based on what he said to me a couple nights ago, he thinks that I think of him as this bad person or something. I don’t really think of him like that, and while I DO really think that he is vain, I’m OVERLY harsh on him because of my resentment of him not returning those feelings to me. Kind of like, if you can’t have ‘em then they *must* suck type of thing. Flawed thinking, I know, but it’s a defense mechanism. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m considering just leaving things as they are (us not talking anymore), let him continue to think what he wants, and just move on with my life, with him being none the wiser of my underlying present feelings. Maybe I could truly get over him this way, instead of going a couple of months with the feelings surpressed and then realizing that I wasn’t really over it after all. What should I do? :(

What to do when you lose someone?

omfg! i have the same problem bro. what i do you deff dont wanna do (i cut) now im addicted andcould easily die by slitting a vein. but this is about you. what i shouldve done and what you should do is dont get too close to the girlzhelp em out and bchill wit em at all but like b ready to let go at any time. and for the other girl juss like find something else to get interested in something that takes up time and distracts you from her. thats the bess i got for this man sorry. hope errythin works out.

What are the general cut off scores for Physics olympiad first level out of 240?

I would like to know in the recent past what have been the scores in open category at which students have got selected in Physics olympiad conducted by IAPT(physics teachers association something) with HBCSE. Also tell Astronomy and chemistry olympiad scores if u know

Alternatives for oxygen used before 1773?

Today in Chemistry class our teacher said that Oxygen was discovered in 1773 by Carl Scheele (not sure about the name).Wonder how did they breathed before that...did they used steam instead of oxygen?

I dont always feel appreciated in my relationship?

Does it matter how much I love and respect my boyfriend, how much I support him, how much I do for him, how much I work out to make sure I stay in shape so I can look good for him and for myself. I just want him to stop checking out other girls and drooling over them. He isn't perfect looking , he could use some improvements himself in the physical aspect of this, by the point is, I love him and respect him enough to always make sure he knows that I love and appreciate him in every way, and sometimes I just don't feel like he is matching me 100%. I just want it to work out but don't want to lose my confidence as a person or in this relationship. Any good advice?? Thank you.

What is the best/easiest way to remove paint from a driveway?

Id like to acid etch my driveway. It currently is painted with masonry paint. HOw should I go about removing the existing paint and prepping for the new finish?

What are my chances of getting into the University of Michigan?

Why the hell would you want to go there. Osu will still beat your asses without our coach or our quarterback

Which of these rims should I buy my husband?

I personally would go with Number 3! I just think it looks cool, and would look really good with a blue car., I have no clue about cars whats so ever, but this one is my favorite in my opinion.. :)

Am i going crazy??? Is this healthy?

I really don't think that this is normal :( i fantasize and daydream about my ex almost daily. I am in a relationship with a new guy whom i love but i find myself doing weird things like getting dressed up making myself look gorgeous and afterwards sitting down pretending i am talking to my ex smh i know it sounds creepy that is why i am scared. Last night i put on high heels walked up and down the hallway imagining he was there with his friends drooling over me. Sometimes when i am in bed i pretend i just made love to him and cuddle with my pillow pretending its him. I feel i dont want him anymore because he cheated on me and broke my heart but i am constantly daydreaming and fantasizing about him. When i see him in person i get butterflies but i deny his request to get back together because he really huirt me and i deserve better. Problem is i keep getting all dressed up and daydreaming while fantisizing he is drooling over me. It is scaring me because now i even imagine hhe is in my car while i am drivin

I don't know what i want from life, i have everything but still ... This isnt it !!?

i know i sound crazy .... But this is the truth noone around me understands ... Am the only child, my parents love me a lot, i have a boyfriend doing postgraduation in otorhinolaryngology, he is gonna be a surgeon soon and i am in the final year of med school ... The fact is that i simply simply hate studying these medico books, the life here, how i've been brought up in a sheltered way and how my life is etched out right in front of me ... I am expected to get married in three to four years and then work in the local hospital in my town n stay around my family ... The truth is i hate medical profession so much that i am not being able to study hard enough, i wanna quit and do something which interests me... And intrigues my mind but i don't know what that would be .... I am 23 now and i hate the idea of getting married, having kids and making them go through the same old **** of school, college, life and competition... I feel like i haven't lived my life enough and i have given a majority of my youth to books and college ... I feel like breaking free, going wild ... Running away ... Alone.... Exploring this world ... Like a tourist ... No chains, obligations or people answerable to... I want to see everything in this world... The mountains, rivers, monastries.... All big and small places and meet all kinds of people and have expereinces ... But i know .... How my parents and my guy want me to become a respectable doctor, get married and serve the society, they dont let me do anything alone and since am the only child, i feel scared to let my loving parents down ... I've told them many times that i am not interested in this worldly rat race and dont wish to live like everyone else... I wanna go on a pilgrimage or gain spiritual knowledge and settle far away ... I dont wanna run after money or cars or better job or husband crap ... I feel like escaping, they tell me i need to get a job and have to get married ... They don't understand that this isn't my idea of happi

Dog sucking down 3 bowls of water, drooling all over - TOTALLY slimmy saliva instantly?

My dog has a clean automatic water bowl outside that has cool water in it, and an automatic feeder for her food. She is old now, and has a harder time moving arond, but hasn't appeared to be sick, although she has recently lost a lot of weight. She loves chicken treats from walgreens, but today wouldn't eat any. I brought her inside and put some of my little dogs food in front of her, which she's never allowed in when they are eating because she usually scarfs it all down completely, but she wouldn't touch it either. So I tried canned dog food, which she NEVER gets, and she wolfed it down completely like her old self - always acting like she is starving around any other food other than her own, (which she does like nad eat, but just greazes on all day since, once again, it is in an automatic feeder). Then she went to the "indoor" water bowl and drank and drank bowl after bowl as is she was dying of thirst. (Three full large size dog bowls). She was very sloppy about it, way more than usual, and then stood there with it just dripping and drooling out of her mouth. I went to wipe it off the floor, thinking it was just water, but it was sooooo slimmy and took tons of paper towels b/c it wouldn't soak in. How could so much of what she just instantly drank in, turn onto so much slime instantly??? She was NOT throwing water up, just drooling. So I put her back outside, which is when she did start throwing up all the canned food she just ate. When she was done, I called her back in but she didn't want to come back in... and she ALWAYS wants in. No signs of diahreah, never seen her throw up before, (although now I wonder since she has dropped sooo much weight so fast). I do live in Az. where we have hot weather already, but she sleeps in the shade all day but can't imagine her just being dehydrated considering her water never empty or too hot, but her nose IS very dry which is unusual for her too. She is now sleeping peacefully inside on the cool tile floor with no further symptoms other than the dry nose. Is the scarfing down water and all the SLIMEY saliva a sign of her dying? I'm assuming the throwing up was either because she scarfed down a 1/2 of a large can of pedigree which she's not used to, or because her she's been not eating - I wouldn't really know since here automatic feeder always has dog food in it, and she just ate too much???

Should I talk to him about what is going on?

Personally, I think it's cool to play the field and test relationships because you want to know what's out there before you make any serious commitments. I'm not saying that the feelings you guys are feeling aren't real, they are, but in my experience, they're somewhat fleeting... they come and go from person to person depending on who can offer what, so to speak (and that goes for girls and guys obviously if he has a girlfriend and finds you more appealing...) There is no question that this guys also likes you. I would suggest hanging out and befriending him more to see what develops, as you have mentioned. Who cares that he has a girlfriend? If you guys are just hanging out (and possibly innocently flirting), you're not really doing any harm, it's not like you're married :) Only if you notice that things get hotter between you two and you feel uncomfortable about it should you have the guts to stand up for your own morals and DO let him know that you aren't interested in being the girl on the side. You sound pretty smart, so I'm sure you'll follow your instincts. Good luck! :)

Will I be able to get into a good college with a D in chem?

Hey guys.. I just finished my Junior Year of High School with a cumulative GPA of 3.1. I just got my report card and am WICKED upset that I got a D in my Second Semester Chemistry course. My first semester I got a C. I am extremely concerned that colleges will decline my acceptance because of this grade... How serious of a situation am I in? Thanks...

Honest opinion on this writing?

oh, very, very nicely done! You make me feel as if I am experiencing the exact same emotions that you are describing in your poem. It's awesome, that is a very lucky girl.

Does anyone remember 80s glasses with text on the lenses?

Hi , I was wondering if any one else remembers these glasses , My Mom had some when i was little they are huge framed 80s glasses and on one Lens they said her name just below the eye line , she also had a pair with a rose etched on the Lens and one with a enlayed diamond .. i have googled till My fingers bleed and I can not find one pic of glasses like these online , I plan on getting some vintage 80s glasses with My prescription for sunglasses this summer and I would love it if they could etch Jayne on the Lens .. any way let me know if you remember these and if you have a old pic laying around I would love if you could post it so Ill have an example to show my optometrist .. thanks

Friday, July 15, 2011

What is plastic explain it to me?

what is plastic? it is what we use in our everyday lives and is molded and shaped and melted down and re-shaped but what is this substance where does it come from how is it generated and made. i tried researching it but the way it is broken down is like AP chemistry and i dont understand it so can someone breakdown what plastic is for me im just curiouse AP chemistry and i dont understand it so can someone breakdown what plastic is for me im just curious

What breed of dog is best suited for me?

i reccomend a german sheperd. If you brush it daily there it wont shed. Germansheperds come in any size (small,medium Large,Rarley Large.

Suggest some dog breeds for me?

The first two and the last two will definitely drool.... although most dogs do...are you sure you are a doggy person at all????

Which science course to take during high school first?

So I recently completed my biology course a year early, and should I be taking Physics or Chemistry?

My dog's gone mad!! Please help!!?

I work at a Vet clinic and we sell Royal Canin...great food and the pom should be on a puppy diet until 10mo to 1 year. You don't want to start restricting the diet this young.

Lets face it: im an ugly girl.....?

im 15, fat,overweight, i have bags under my eyes, acne which seems to be getting worse, i am a tomboy so i dont put make up on or paint my nails, instead i bite them. i tried looking in the mirror and said some good things about me but all i got was: creative, observant, big eyes and sorta smart (meaning my younger bros r smarter than me but i still get good grades). i just want to give up on trying to look pretty and face facts. im never gonna be one of those super pretty and popular girls at school; im gonna be the nerd with the glasses and the acne who drools over boys she'll never talk to. i feel like no guy will ever like me and i'll become a lonely woman. i dont know what to do cuz i dont want that to happen but im so tired of trying to look my best!

If I were an animal...?

For art we have to pick an animal that best describes our personality, then a find a picture of it and we are going to do etching or whatever. So I was wondering...What animal would you say if know for being emotional? What animal is known for being full of love? plz plz plz help! thank-you (:

So how much (about) would this stuff go for?

Go to ebay and search for your item or something similar. Look at the auctions that are ending and that will give you an idea as to what to charge for your items.

Am I screwed for med school???

I just completed my freshman year of undergrad and ended the year with a 2.8 gpa (and an even lower science gpa around 2.4/2.5). I got C+'s in both Gen Chem I and II and a C- in a Honors Biology course which I retook and still only ended up with a B-. I'm usually pretty good at Biology but messed up the class really bad. I'm taking the 2nd Biology class right now along with Physics and have a solid A in Physics and an A- in Biology which I'm hoping to pull up to an A. I plan on taking many science/math courses next year including Organic Chemistry, the next Physics Course, Microbiology, Genetics, and Statistics and will probably take some other science courses next summer. I'm also involved in undergraduate research, vice president of a club, and a volunteer at a local hospital. I also take ballet lessons and have a part time summer job. I know I reallyyy screwed up my freshman year but do I still have a chance? I'm making some good connections with undergraduate research and volunteering for future med school recommendation letters and I plan on taking a lot of biology courses as well as stuff like astronomy, botany, etc. to pull up my science gpa but my question is even if i manage to get a 3.5 science gpa would med schools decline me because of the C+'s I got in Gen Chem and the mistakes i made freshman year? What if I pulled off an A-/B+ in Ochem. Is med school out of the question? I'm a Molecular Biology major and a public health minor (i plan on getting a masters in public health or mha if i don't get into med school)

Does this mean he wants her back?

too bad! you need to leave, he'll just hurt you, and he's probably cheating as i type this, leave youre beautiful and you need to move on!

Does an animal clinic cost more than an animal hospital?

Here they're the exact same thing. The only distinction between what we have here is if one is a 24/7 emergency hospital. You pay more there because they do emergencies and have full staff all the time.

Facial Features Claire Danes and Ellen Muth?

What facial features do Claire Danes and Ellen Muth have? Like face shape, eye shape and high/low cheek bones etch.. I've been told I look like them so I'm just wondering. Thanks!

I can't get over my ex?

I met this boy just under a year ago, we clicked straight away, can't explain it really, we just had so much chemistry. after two months or so we started dating, it was the best relationship i've ever had, he brought out the best in me, we were perfect. no one else seemed to agree though, we ended up finishing because everyone got in the way and made it so hard for us to be how we were when we're alone. from the moment we finished we didnt stop speaking, we still stayed unbelievably close, afew months later we admitted to never really getting over eachother and wanting to get back together, we went out and everything was just like it used to be however once again everybody got in the way and we never became boyfriend and girlfriend again. we still talked though and we know eachother inside out. its now been 9months since the first time we broke up and i just cannot get over him, its got to the point where always thinking about him is actually scary now, because it feels like he never goes away. every night i dream about him, i can never stop. its constantly upsetting me and i just cant let it go, i have tried everything..deleting him off social networks, avoiding him and trying to date other people, but everytime i decided enough is enough something happens like one of our movies we used to watch together will come on so he'll ring me, or i'll walk into a shop and our song will start playing and all the memories come back. i just don't know what to do anymore, it sounds so silly but its actually killing me:( what do i do?

Alright, let's try this one out?

HONEST CRITIQUE: Kind of vague and rambling. Never seems to move forward or describe what happened before the words you write, and how the situation got there.

I have two star wars episode 1 etched glasses one rebel alliance and one dark side made by pepsi.?

I haven't been able to find anything online about these except that they are very rare as only 500 were made. I want to see if I can find out a value for these.

Why do i drool at night everyday when i sleep even though i keep my mouth closed and breathe through my nose?

its been happening ever since i was little and still continuing. i`m 16 years old female. i tend to drool when i go to sleep. how come??

What do i REALLY NEED?

i am about to move to mississippi and im going to a school ive never even heard of. it starts august 4th and i have nothing. im taking chemistry geometry ap history and english 2. also gunna do drivers training thru the school theatre and swimming. i need to know what i should get for those kind of classes and if there are any places that are having school sales already? [lease gimme all the info on what i might need and not all the bull crap cuz i have to fly there from michigan. thanks

What do you think of this writing?

It was good, very descriptive. Watch it on the punctuation though. Also, the end seemed a little weak & it took me a while to figure out why davin was scared; it could be improved to a different reason or reword the paragraph .

There are many things we'll never know c/c?

This is so familiar to me but the "set up" with the tree is different. I can't remember exactly but did you do another one like this?

How does my poem sound?

I'm not sure who the speaker is. A girl or a boy? Is this same sex or opposite sex? You speak of "our youth" yet the erastes-eromenos relationship is male/male where one is a mature person, the other little more than a child. And in the case of Achilles and Patroclus where they seem to be close in age, I always thought of Achilles as the dominant one (I could be wrong) since he was the one of higher rank. I'm left wonder, searching for what you mean.

Is this Cat Rabid? Should I be concerned?

Rabies is fatal, and an unprovoked bite from a stray (of unknown rabies vaccination status) should be cause for serious concern. First, cat bites can become seriously infected in a very short time. And second, domestic felines *can* be infected with rabies and show no symptoms (the supposed foaming at the mouth). You need to go to your doctor or an urgent care place, and report the bite. Depending on the risk of rabies in your area (some are considered higher risk than others) animal control might come out and trap the cat, and either quarantine it for 10 days, or euthanize it and test it for rabies. While the odds are in your favor that the cat does not have rabies, are you willing to risk your life?

Is it over? yes or no?

i'm sure she's just stressed. give her some time, wait till her exams are done and she has a break. then text her or call her. if she doesn't text/call back, she's not interested anymore.

I think im gonna have to repeat a year in high school... what should i do?

Well if its the teachers fault its likely everyone will do badly. Howe do you know you made mistakes if you havent had your results uet? If you know you are weak in a subject then you have to study more on that subject than on others. If you think the teacher is not good enough then have some private tuition. If all the kids are struggling then maybe a few of you could get together and share a teacher.

Does this mean he wants her back?

too bad! you need to leave, he'll just hurt you, and he's probably cheating as i type this, leave youre beautiful and you need to move on!

What do you make of this Bukowski poem and do you know who he is writing about?

Definitely Hemingway- I love this poem. I think it is written from the perspective of understanding a great deep, troubled mind and maybe he wondered if he himself would end up "on the wall."

Should I take Physics or Biology 2 Junior year?

I took both AP Physics and AP Biology junior year. AP Bio was muchhhhhh easier to me because I am not a very big physics person.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Can you determine intelligence from the amount of staring and drooling that goes on with tradie men?

no you cannot. Some men who act like immature sex craved morons can be quite's just that sex is a hobby of theirs. And some really are stupid. But no, you can't tell from how they act...even if it does portray poor intelligence.

Have you ever loved someone SO much it hurts? please take the time to read. :)?

i would tell her how you feel! if she doesn't respect that or agrees than i say she's not your girl. Good luck!

How many regular season games will Heat win next season(assuming there is a full season)?

I say 63 atleast. They already upgraded at PG by drafting Norris Cole. They will sign a legit center like Dalembert or Nene. They also have their chemistry down. Miller and Haslem will also be 100% hopefully. They'll have a more complete team next season. Last season there were some holes to fill.

Wildlife biology help? Please help?

I asked for advice for wolf biology but I do understand that we have a good grasp on it already. I was told about wildlife biology as a suggestion. Im in my last year of high school and because of tragic events in my life I've pretty much wasted my years in high school and haven't proven my full potential and because of this my average in biology is a C...I can't turn back time and prove how good I really am. I know some of you may read this and say well you shouldn't have slacked off,but if you knew my reasoning maybe you wouldn't be so quick to judge. Im very interested in animal behavior. I also cant to do zoology in my last year of high school because for some reason I would have had to take chemistry to get in but I find that irrelevant. I just need some kind of advise on how I can become what I want to be. Please help, I plain to show people how smart I really am but right now I just feel so discouraged by some of the answers ive been getting lately but im determined to do my best and need a little help to to kick me into the right direction. Help.

Can i glass etch using home-made designs cut out of masking tape?

I'd suggest trying whatever you buy first on scrap, to make sure that the tape you are using isn't going to react with the cream. Maybe run a test on a variety of possibles at once, as something like painter's tape might be better.

Chemistry Help Vapor Phase?

A glass beaker containing 100 ml of Toluene breaks in a small, unvented storage cabinet with a volume of one cubic meter. The ambient temperature of the liquid toluene and the inside of the storage cabinet is 25C. Assuming toluene can be treated as an ideal gas in its vapor phase, what is the expected concentration (in parts per million) of toluene in the storage cabinet assuming that all the toluene vaporized and none was lost outside the storage cabinet?

Help with chemistry experiment design, simulation of acid rain formation.?

There is, actually. Take the flask or boiling tube you use to heat the sulfide, stopper it with a rubber bung fitted with a length of inert tubing, then have the tubing lead to a water bath where the SO2 should dissolve in the water. Have a collection vessel above it in any case, which would catch any escaping gas; no sense in having to run from the lab. Also, it may be a wise precaution to add a spray trap in the line from heating vessel to the water bath, in case you get a suck-back that could lead to disaster in a hot vessel.

My cat drools when i put a flea collar near him?

I have a male cat that is at least 5 years old and he has fleas so we got some drops, we put them on and he didn't lick the area but he started to drool profusely so we washed it off and got a collar. We started to put the collar on him but he started to drool again so we got rid of the collar and got a different kind, as soon as I took the collar out of the package near him he started drooling again. Should I put the collar on him? He has quite a few fleas and i don't want him to be itchy all the time.

How can you flawlessly confirm how old something is?

If something was etched into the wall of a cave do you really trust the number scientists put on it? I once heard about a study where they divided a fossil into two separate parts and sent them off to two different labs. One lab confirmed that the rear of the fossil was 10,000 years old while the other said the head was 20,000 years old. So which test was right, or are they both wrong?

Does anyone know where I can get the even solutions for Chemistry 7th Edition by Zumdahl?

I am currently taking chemistry in summer school and our professor only assigns the even problems for homework but he doesn't correct and return homework. I would like to check my answers so if anybody can direct me to where I could find the even solutions that would be greatly appreciated thanks!

I want to give this girl a poem I wrote...What do you think?

If she loves you, it will melt her heart. It's an amazing poem! If she doesn't love you, this will totally creep her out. Be careful. But like I said, the poem is beautiful.

Friend who won't ever return romantic feelings?

I gotta say I’ve been in love with a guy friend for nearly 2 years. Maybe not in love, but crazy over him. I’ve accepted the fact that he probably won’t ever return those feelings back. I don’t think that I measure up *physically* to what he is looking for. And besides, we have already talked about us dating and I know it’s pretty much a dead end. Nonetheless, for most of the 2 years I’ve known him, we’ve been pretty good friends, talking nearly every night online or through text and whatnot. We have very candid conversations that go on for hours about nearly any topic. So I’ve obviously gotten to know him a bit. And I’ve gotten to know some of his flaws – like him being self-centered, self-important, shallow, vain, etc. I’ve expressed to him my thoughts about that on a couple of occasions, and he takes great offense in it and insists that he isn’t like that. He even stopped talking to me for a month. I confronted him about that, and he says that he doesn’t want to be friends with someone who thinks some “false things” about him. Well, I’m not going to apologize to him for what I think. But little does he know that the reason I’m so harsh to him (in my head and sometimes through our conversations) is because I’m trying to make myself believe that he isn’t worthy because I know I’ll never have him. He is in love with some beautiful chick named Laura. I know I can’t compare, despite me not being ugly or fat per se …. But I simply don’t stack up to this girl, she is drop dead gorgeous. He has gotten to know me and seen what I’m about, and it still has not had an effect on him (as in, “Hey this girl is pretty cool and she’s not bad-looking”). Yet he barely knows this girl but he drools over her because of how hot she is. I’ve known that he won’t ever like me like I like him, so my heart has put up some barriers, and have become overly critical of him. Truth is, he’s a decent guy but based on what he said to me a couple nights ago, he thinks that I think of him as this bad person or something. I don’t really think of him like that, and while I DO really think that he is vain, I’m OVERLY harsh on him because of my resentment of him not returning those feelings to me. Kind of like, if you can’t have ‘em then they *must* suck type of thing. Flawed thinking, I know, but it’s a defense mechanism. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m considering just leaving things as they are (us not talking anymore), let him continue to think what he wants, and just move on with my life, with him being none the wiser of my underlying present feelings. Maybe I could truly get over him this way, instead of going a couple of months with the feelings surpressed and then realizing that I wasn’t really over it after all.

In Secondary School do we get a GCSE in Chemistry, Biology and Physics or just Science?

Well it depends who your doing it with like aqa ocr etc there's different ones for example I done single and adfitional science and failed them both miserably :)

I caught them in the can i get beyond what i saw?

So ignore her on DRAMAbook and speak to a counselor or therapist if you are having trouble moving on...Life's too short to let something you can do nothing about negatively affect you for an extended period of time...

I think my friend might be a lesbian? Should I talk to her?

Maybe Nicole is a lesbian and maybe shes not. Since Its an abusive relationship between the 2 she is probably forced into it and cant get out. You should take to her. Even if she gets really mad at you, shouldn't her safety mean more though? Talk to her. Tell her that your there for her no matter what and she can tell you anything. She doesnt have to take it. She is probably being forced into it probably because its the bully who shes with and she might be getting forced and/or threatened.

How can I clean the etching on my shotgun?

I bought a shotgun and the etching has slight corrosion - I can clean the raised portions but am having difficulty with the below surface defects - any ideas please?

Chemistry questions!?! For Gods SAKE PLEASE??!?

Has to be something in your chemistry text to help you with this.....Sorry, not my thing. Personally, I think they made most of it up.

It's not copyrighted so go ahead and plagiarize.?

its seems sorta shallow, u havnt written it dat well...its not very poetic, its more lik a para from a story , u havnt used any poetic devices..poetry is not jst about feeling it n imaginin it but putting it down usin da write words to make it beautiful..try writtin da same poem again in a little different way..

Can't find the right dog breed...?

Go to petfinder or your local shelter. You'll find specific breeds there. A dog will drool, it can't be stopped. If you want lower energy perhaps get a older dog? I hope you don't mean being alone constantly, that's no way to treat a dog.

Is this a good love poem?

honestly i think it's very good. and very sweet. although you will probably get some people that says its not . i like it and i would love to receive a poem like that.I obviously don't know the girl that you wrote it for her but i think she will love it. :)

Cool electronics and music stores in NYC?

I'm visiting NYC by plane so I'm not necessarily going to buy anything there, I just like walking around and drooling in huge electronics/music stores.

How can i get rabies?

ok so a baby raccoon snuck into my house, hes been living in my house now.He's really cute and really friendly. I pet em and fed em blueberries, i havent been bit or scrached, but now i found out that you don't have 2 be bitten to get rabies. That u can get it from its spit. So if its spit got on my cat and then i kiss my cat...i can have rabies? and if it drinks from my cats water dish, and then my cats drink from cats can catch then my cats drool on me ill be infected? is this posible? can some1 help me out. Also my cats were vaccinated 4 years are they in the clear? this raccoon has only been in my attic o it probably isnt infected right?

Puppy suddenly sick what do I do?

My beagle is 3 months old. This morning she was fine than this afternoon she started shaking, vomiting and drooling. The obvious is Vet but Its Sat eve. No money. She was in the garbage this morning and I put on a new flea collar last week. Me and the kids are scared for her. Please remember that the vet is not an option so anything else you can think of. Thank you for your time.

Is he interested? should i make the first move?

Sounds like he has a lot going on that you don't really know about. Well he likes you otherwise he wouldn't ask you out. And you like him, that's good. For now I think you should trust him and just wait for him to make the move and actually act on what he says. It sounds like he can talk, but you haven't really seen any action yet. So I suggest you wait it out, and just keep in touch with him. He'll come around. Good luck!

Does anyone know how good the biology department at CUNY-Brooklyn College is?

How is the faculty? How demanding are the courses? I've heard great things about the Chemistry department, what about Bio?

I really don't think that this is normal :(?

I have been seperated from my ex for almost two years... I have even fallen in love with a new guy who i have been with for a year :) the problem is i literally keep daydreaming and fantisizing about my ex. Out of the blue i would daydream me getting all dressed up looking gorgeous and talking to him.. Or i would fantasize about us being together and making love. I fantasize walking into a room full of him and his friends looking gorgeous and him drooling over me smh it is a bad habit. When i see him in person i get butterflies but i deny his request to get back together i even tell him no when he ask for my new phone number... But as soon as i go home i fantasize about him againi i get all dressed up look in the mirror and pretend i am talking to him.. It sounds so creepy but i promise i am normal lol i am so confused i just dont understand why i do this :( today i turned on music put on high heels walked up and down my hallway imagining he was there drooling over me with his friends.Why am i doing this?

Why is my dog so scared now?

my dog is a minature schnauzer. when i first got him he was afraid of the stairs for about 1 week. he has a couple fears, but recently he has become deathly afraid of thunderstorms and fireworks. 1 year ago on the fourth of july, he hid under my bed the whole day. whenever theres a thunderstorm he huddles into a corner and starts shaking and drooling alot, or he hides under a bed. when theres a firework, he just hides under my bed and shakes. why was this so random? he never used to be this way.

Need help with my thriller/romance story?

He's an undercover police officer, but he's not on official duty. He's hunting down the people who killed his partner/best friend who was helping him through his terrible divorce. He's on leave for mental health reasons and so he doesn't want to tell anyone, even fellow officers. Then Claire can help him with the case and in overcoming the loss of his best friend and the damage to his broken heart!

I have a extremely sore throat, headaches, body ache, fever, and I keep drooling.?

I'm a 18 year old female, and there white spots in my tonsils. It hurts a lot to swallow, I even cry. What do I do? Go to the ER?

Something is wrong with my dog?

I have a three year old Great Dane named Miles, over the last hour or so he has been acting really strange. He is drooling A LOT (He normally doesnt drool unless he is excited), his ears have stayed pinned back against his head, he is coughing/gagging a lot, he won't stand up but he will crawl over to me if i call him, he won't eat his lunch or drink water, his tail is tucked between his legs (but he will wag his tail a bit if i talk to him), and his stomach is hard as a rock. Before that he was running around and playing like his normal self. He is normally very active and playful, so this is really strange for him. I can't take him to the vet right now and no one else can take him either, i am only 14. Maybe he has an upset stomach? Any ideas on whats wrong with him and how i can help him?

My dog is in trouble help!?

hi please help me my dog just ran outside and was running and just fell on the ground and pooped uncontrollably and was drooling and then stood up and peed he then acted as if he was ignoring me when i was rite next to me and looked disoriented please help

Cat died after possibly ingesting something poisonous?

Four days ago, after being fine all morning, I noticed my cat was uncontrollably drooling, and sitting in one spot acting strangely. I tried giving her water, and cleaning the drool off, but she continued to drool constantly. I had no money to see a vet, and scoured the internet for answers as to why this was happening, and prayed that she was just going to throw up, and be okay. After about 40 minutes after noticing her drooling, She went into some sort of seizure/fit (meowing and jumping into walls accompanied by very heavy breathing, then just laid on my bathroom floor. after about ten minutes of sitting with her on the floor she died right in front of me. This is by far one of the hardest things I've ever been through, as I loved this cat very much (took her in as a stray about 8 years ago, and for some reason she only seemed to trust me out of my family, and was very skittish around others. Yet, she slept with me every night, and would practically never leave me alone. I'm assuming she had a history of abuse.) As my family didn't have much money, we weren't able to take her to the vet, but knew that she had obviously been spayed, and such. She could have possibly been up to four years old I'd say when we took her in. I took very good care of her, and she was always happy, and healthy seeming. (forgot, she looked to be an almost pure-bred Persian cat). My question is that after her dying, I noticed a spot where she had been drooling right before dying, and it looks almost as if there is glitter in it. I can't find anything with glitter, or anything like that in my home. Anyone have any ideas. I'm hoping this was a death due to some sudden illness, or freak occurrence, rather than poisoning, as I'm having so much trouble dealing with the guilt of not being able to take here to a vet.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pus smells like peppermint?

My toe was bothering me, so I went to trim the nail thinking it may be growing in, which I cleaned the area a clear liquid came from around there and it smelled like peppermint, same as my chewing gum that I chew a few times a week. No I wasn't chewing at the time and drooled on my toe. So what does this mean if whatever that liquid was under the skin/nail smells like my gum?

Michael Oher And Collins Touhy's Chlidhood Sexcapades?

Michael Oher and Collins Touhy (however it's spelled) used to have sex when they were kids growing up, and Michael started living in the Touhy's home. Collins had admitted to her friends when Michael first started attending her school that she was very sexually attracted to him. Her friends, as a joke gag, supported her and etched her on to start having sexual encounters with michael, and so she was extremely happy when she looked up and her parents had brought Michael home to stay with them. Late at night, either she would slip into Michaels covers, or Michael would go to her room, and they would get it on. Rumor has it that Oher got Collins impregnated once, and hr parents secretly took her to have an abortion, and everyone just swept it under the rugs. And rumor has it that they are still very sexually involved even now. When asked, Collins said that from the moment she saw Michael, she knew he was extremely well endowed, and she just could not get past her own sexual lust for his endowment. And even today, when looking back on it, she says with a big smile that her imaginations about how big his endowment was was right on! And she says even today that taking all of his endowment, both orally and the originally, was a very big challenge for her, and a challenge that she really loved meeting. Collins reportedly says now that she is used to it and can handle Michael's manhood very easily. although soetimes when it is at its biggest, it still hurts a little bit. My question is this: What is your input abpout her publically discussing hers and Michael Oher's sexual lust for each other? And also, what is your input on her talking about how much if a challenge it was for her to successfully take and handle every bit of Michael's endowment? I won't even ask any questions about Collins' supposedly pregnancy that she got from Michael Oher, and how the whole family and their friends, made her and encouraged here to get the secret abortion, and how that everyone thatw as involved swept it under the rug all these years. To me, that is just plain wrong to do, so I won't even go there with any questions! But what is your intake on all this and about how Collins and Michael had, and still has, a secret lust affair for each other?

Does it really bother guys when other men look at their girlfriends?

I had no idea a dude was checking me out when my guy were out and about. My guy all of a sudden walked behind me real close, and was like that until we got to his car. I was like...what's up? He said that he noticed a dude staring at my a$$ so he needed to block his view. So yeah, guys don't like it when other dudes stare at their girl in their presence.

Where can you buy vinyl glass etching?

Clarify your question - do you want vinyl to stick on glass that looks like someone etched the glass or do you want to buy vinyl for cutting to mask doing your own etching

Husband is coming home from deployment in a couple days... I need cute ideas!!!?

So I am already doing the big sign so he can find us, my daughter and I are going to use car paints to decorate our tahoe... We also booked a private beach house rental for 4 days with a private pool and hot tub to enjoy some private family/relaxing time. I also plan to make all his favorite foods as he has been drooling over getting to eat normal food again. Is there anything else I can do or should do? Any cute ideas that maybe some of your Army Wives have done or seen? Thank you all!

What is used to heat a solution over a flame, so that only the solid remains. chemistry?

you can use a beaker made of heat resistant glass like pyrex of borosilicate glass, or a clay crucible, but that isnt seethrough. thermal conduction distributes the heat of the flame.

Is this a good start to my story?

You have a wonderful start and excellent flow. Every story requires proofreading and editing, finding ways to make it better. But, you certainly have a way with words, and I would encourage you to stay with it. I see real talent in your work.

Are you up for a game of Rock and Pop : Remarkable Moments?

SAD - Hearing of Stevie Ray Vaughn's death. I had recently before saw he and Jeff Beck in concert together.

Is it dumb for me to be jealous of this guy , it just seems like life isnt fair.?

at the high school i go to there is this guy who i swear gets all the girls, they talk to him like hes god or something, but what i dont understand is hes not remotely attractive, he has money. his personality is like a douchebag, he treats women like meat and they fall over him. i dont get it, he like an asshole to women, hes not attractive what is it. there are plenty of good looking guys that dont get anywhere near the attention he gets. are these women insecure. he wore a shirt that said vagina for god's sake. i try to ignore him, but every girl i talk to he ends up somehow knowing them.and getting them, im not exaggerating at all. he can get every girl at the school. is it because they have low standards, im not trying to put him down, but hes nothing to drool over.

What do you think of these two poems?

There both really good. But I really like the 2nd one a lot. Keep writing..go answer my question and read my latest poem..thnks:D

Should I take physics online?

I want to go into the medical field someday, and I skipped Freshman Integrated Science and went straight into Biology, freshman year. Thinking of taking Chemistry sophomore year, and then AP Chemistry junior, while taking physics online, so I can be in AP Physics senior year. I really want to take two AP science classes. Which would you prefer? Biology, Chemistry, or Physics?

Writing a eulogy for my father?

I'd be proud to be remembered with the devotion and respect you've captured in your short, but complete memorization of your dear father.

Seizure or what?!?!?!?!!?

i just blacked out like fell asleep drooled and peed my self wtf??? seizure or something eles??? and start to twitch a little

What exactly is the "Anti-Theft Vehicle Security Etch" that Hyundai offers as a option in their cars?

What exactly is the "Anti-Theft Vehicle Security Etch" that Hyundai offers as a option in their cars?

Can't figure out how valuable this is..?

I was lucky enough to meet Jeanette Lee a couple years back at a Billiards Expo. When gushing to her about what a huge fan I was of hers she took her custom made glove (with the black window spider etched into it) and autographed it for me. This glove means so much to me and my curiosity is driving me crazy because I wish there was an estimate of what it's worth. I looked on quite a few sites but apparently it's one of a kind or no one would dare get rid of theirs. Anyone have a clue what it's worth is?

My 4 week old foster puppy started on wet puppy food&shots 2 days ago.What's wrong?

Today has fever-no other symptoms. He is eating and his poo seems normal. He doesn't really want to play. He is laying on the air vent. No drool or eye goop. I'm not sure what he was eating before we got him since we got him the day he got dropped off at the shelter. I am feeding him the puppy wet food the shelter told me to feed him. What's wrong? Should I take him to emergency vet or wait until tomorrow and see if he needs to go to my regular vet.

Was it not meant to be? or hold on? best answer= 10 points?

I believe that if this is honestly love, if you have that little tingle in your body when your around him, or you just love being with him physical or not, or anything that signs love, then it is meant to be. Remember, love has permanent obstacles. it might seem that way, but it really doesn't. If there is no possible way you can see him or be with him, then its obviously not real

What is the role of chemistry and technology in the society?

We see these stupid questions from time to time and it makes me wonder what kind of lame teacher would ask such a question. Clearly, it is obvious that our society exists BECAUSE of advances in chemistry in particular and technology in general. Simply look around you, and you don't have to look much further than the computer in front of you to answer the question.

I have a "Certified Original Etching by Salvador Dali" how much is it worth?

So i found this etching in my basement, its a Collectors Guild Ltd. Certified print of Don Quijote by Salvador Dali, my question is whats it worth and what would P99 mean stamped on the back of it?

Is this girl uninterested all of a sudden?

Unless you can think of anything you did, I would say that nothing is wrong and she'll start acting "normal" again soon. There are lots of reasons a girl would do that... family or friends trouble, school or work trouble, girly things.. haha, I'd wait and give her a little while and if she doesn't seem to go back to the way she used to act, then bring it up (IN PERSON) and talk to her about it and how you feel.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chemistry Question Help Needed??? Plzz Help! Life Saver?

Sodium phosphate is added to a solution that contains 0.0076 M aluminum nitrate and 0.047 M calcium chloride. The concentration of the first ion to precipitate (either Al3+ or Ca2+) decreases as its precipitate forms. What is the concentration of this ion when the second ion begins to precipitate?

Is this a good love poem?'ve given me new ideas for my poems. I really like your style of writing. It makes me realize how far I am from being this good. Thank you for the inspiration.

Disabled friend...good or bad wing man if trying to ask a girl out.?

i just dont understand why do u want not only ur disabled friend but ANYBODY around when ur gona ask a girl out??? that should be something special to the girl and pretty intimate.

So this super hot guy is planning on kissin me. Help?!?

So I've only kissed 2 guys, both the guys were just pecks.. I don't know if I'm a good kisser or not, and I dont know how to tell if I am? But this guy that is planning on kissin me has girls drooling on him all the time.. I don't know what to do?

Is it normal to crush on the "bad boy"?

I'm a 14 year old girl but I have the biggest crush on our school's "bad boy". He's 17 and a total rebel and a jerk but I can't help but feel attracted to him. He's so handsome like gahh, it makes me drool. But I don't want to date him because I know I'll get hurt really bad because he smokes and drinks and does other drugs and is violent and gets into a lot of fights and once beat up a guy who was 24!!! I don't understand why I'm so attracted to him. He's so arrogant and stubborn and a bully, doesn't listen to anyone, always does things his way and doesn't care who gets hurt as long as he gets what he wants. It's like I should hate him but I don't. I feel bad for liking him. Is it normal for a teen girl to have feelings for a guy like that?