Monday, July 18, 2011

Rabies question for you folks out there: Anyone have a serious answer for me?

So... Here's my question: I accidentally left my garage door open last night, and a raccoon came in and was poking about in my recycling bin and trying to get into the garbage can (why, I don't know, as both were quite empty- some lingering odor or odors, perhaps). In doing so, it clambered onto some various hand tools/etc. that are kept to the side of where the recycling bin and garbage can are. I managed to scare the animal out of the garage (it was pretty adamant about not wanting to leave, actually) without having to physically come in contact with it; supposing that this raccoon might possibly be rabid, is it possible for someone to contract rabies by touching those surfaces that the animal walked on/touched, those surfaces that it might have possibly, for example, drooled on? I didn't come in contact with any of those surfaces with my hands last night; closing the door entailed touching things that the raccoon could not possibly have gotten in contact with. I will, to be sure, need to be using the aforementioned hand tools some time in the days to come, possibly even later today. Yeah... I know, I'm being a bit of a paranoiac here, but does anyone have some good, straight to the point info for me? I thank you in advance for your replies.

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