Friday, July 15, 2011

Am I screwed for med school???

I just completed my freshman year of undergrad and ended the year with a 2.8 gpa (and an even lower science gpa around 2.4/2.5). I got C+'s in both Gen Chem I and II and a C- in a Honors Biology course which I retook and still only ended up with a B-. I'm usually pretty good at Biology but messed up the class really bad. I'm taking the 2nd Biology class right now along with Physics and have a solid A in Physics and an A- in Biology which I'm hoping to pull up to an A. I plan on taking many science/math courses next year including Organic Chemistry, the next Physics Course, Microbiology, Genetics, and Statistics and will probably take some other science courses next summer. I'm also involved in undergraduate research, vice president of a club, and a volunteer at a local hospital. I also take ballet lessons and have a part time summer job. I know I reallyyy screwed up my freshman year but do I still have a chance? I'm making some good connections with undergraduate research and volunteering for future med school recommendation letters and I plan on taking a lot of biology courses as well as stuff like astronomy, botany, etc. to pull up my science gpa but my question is even if i manage to get a 3.5 science gpa would med schools decline me because of the C+'s I got in Gen Chem and the mistakes i made freshman year? What if I pulled off an A-/B+ in Ochem. Is med school out of the question? I'm a Molecular Biology major and a public health minor (i plan on getting a masters in public health or mha if i don't get into med school)

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