Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why does my dog throwing up and drooling so much?

At first she was throwing up a lot, she was throwing up grass and some of her dog food and some white sort of stuff. Then I kept her from eating the grass and she stopped. Afterwards, I left her outside with a bowl of milk, a bowl of water w/ baking soda ( my grandmother said that would help), a bowl of water w/ ice, and a bowl of Coca-Cola(I just thought that would help her somehow). She didn't drink any of it though. Not evEn the water! And she kept on doing this thing w/ her mouth, like opening and closing it and drooling a lot ( at this point she stopped throwing up). Then I Put her inside to cool off but she keeps on drooling SO MUCH. Plus she won't drink any of her water she just keeps like put her paws in it and spilling the water all over. What's wrong with my dog? I feel really bad for her :( I can't take her to the vet either, any other day I could but not today (some REALLY bad $ issues).

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